Gecko Playgroup

Join us for a fun-filled morning of play and fellowship.

10am, Wednesday

$3 / family per week

0 - 5yrs

Our aim as a playgroup is to provide a place where local parents and carers of young children can come and enjoy meaningful friendship and support, as well as a fun morning spent with their children.


Our flexible program each week includes:

  • 10:00am: Arrivals, free play

  • 10:30am Song and story time 

  • 10:45am: Morning tea 

  • 11:00am: Free play and craft

  • 11:30am: Pack up and close

A Gecko Playgroup outing to the park at Stockton.


We ask that each family contributes $3 per week (towards craft and activities), as well as a piece of fruit per child to share at morning tea time. Once a term we also enjoy a group outing (somewhere local and at minimal to no cost).


Playgroup began in 2008 and continues to be a great source of encouragement to parents from our own church family and to those in the community. A number of women from Grace Evangelical Church form a team responsible for organising and leading Gecko Playgroup.

Our hope is that the children who come may learn to care for one another, have fun and also be taught about what it means to be friends with God.

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Contact us.

We’d love for you to come along to our Playgroup. Please contact Chez if you have any questions.



0427 317 534